Do you know how old your roof is? If it’s more than 20 years old, it probably needs to be replaced. Roofs are actually designed to last much longer than 20 years – even as long as 50 years with certain shingles! Unfortunately, homeowners lack basic knowledge of how to care for their roof to achieve the desired life expectancy. Extending the life of your roof should start at the time of installation. Consistency truly is key, so let’s discuss what you can do to get true longevity out of your new roof! 

Roof Maintenance 

Regular roof maintenance allows you to identify early warning signs of damages and get those areas repaired before it becomes a bigger issue. Without regular roof maintenance, a small issue will quickly snowball into needing a total roof replacement. Good roof maintenance should start with an annual roof inspection. An experienced roofing contractor should perform your roof inspection. If you attempt to inspect the roof yourself, it’s almost guaranteed your untrained eyes will overlook something. 

After each annual roof inspection, the contractor can provide you with recommendations on how to care for your roof in its current state. You should remain vigilant the rest of the year and contact your contractor right away if you see shingles that are missing, cracked, or warped. 

Gutter Maintenance 

Your gutter system is connected to your roofing system. Improper gutter maintenance will lead to water being backed up on the roof. When water sits on the roof, it can work its way under the shingles and harm the integrity of the roof. Your roof could also experienced mold or algae growth because of the excess moisture. Proper gutter maintenance includes cleaning your gutter system twice per year to ensure water can freely run off your roof and through the gutters, unobstructed by debris. If you see that your gutters are damaged or pulling away from the roof, they need to be repaired ASAP. 

Proper Attic Ventilation 

A poorly ventilated attic leads to air just sitting in the space under your roof. That air will become hot and melt snow or ice that sits on your roof. The problem with this is that the snow or ice is melting from the bottom up at a rapid pace. The water will start to run off of the roof but then refreeze around the edge of your roof as it gets away from the hot attic air. This creates something known as an ice dam. Ice dams are known for causing severe damage to roofs. Your roofing contractor can assess your attic ventilation system before winter to determine if air is properly flowing through the space to prevent future damage. 

Contact Nor’Easter Roofing today to schedule your roof and gutter services before winter! Our team of roofing experts can assist with everything from a roof inspection to gutter cleaning and even new roof installation. We want to help you achieve the long-lasting roof of your dreams!